Bandito Oblivion

He runs with joyful abandon.

Hi Ho, Lemon the…er, Lemon, here.  Yet another sketch of my bouncy little boy Bandito.  He is such a joyful, goofy puppy dog…he enjoys watching tv, and usually growls when animal programs are on screen.  Oddly enough, he also enjoys football.  (American football)

When Bandit really wants out into the yard (which is all the time), he spins around like a dervish, then runs onto the porch and turns around to see if Lily is coming after him.  As she is an older, dignified lady, she usually holds her ground on the carpet underneath the coffee table.  There is a constant push and pull between these two…a difference in the generations, I suppose.  Once outside, Lily does a cursory patrol around the yard and then lays down in a patch of sunshine, while Bandit tears around and tries to chase squirrels by barking his head off and jumping up against tree trunks.  These pupperonis are endlessly entertaining…to me anyway.

I wanted to put this image on a t-shirt, and since I have an online store, I will do just that.


  1. Hello Lemon. Great post! Your shop looks very enticing. How are you finding the society6 site? I’m curious to know, if you have the time drop me a line or two, Russell.


    1. Hey Russell. Thank you!

      I like Society6…it’s the first online store I’ve ever had any success with…I have an Etsty store that has never really been developed…maybe I’ll work on that in the new year. Society6 is great because all you have to provide is your design, and they handle all the printing, shipping, and money. I get money sent to my PayPal account each month (when I actually sell things!) The only problem with Society6 is there are SO MANY excellent artists on there…but it is becoming a great community.
      Hope this helps.


      1. Hello Lemon,

        thanks for the advice, yes, your letter does help; there are so many platforms out there, it’s all a bit bewildering. It’s great Society6 take care of the printing, and shipping. And it’s a good idea to set up an almost passive income. Hmmmmmm . . . lots to think about.

        Thanks again for your time, and happy blogging!



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