In which Nancy jumps into the air…

…because I made it through the first round of the Lilla Rogers 2014 Global Talent Search!  999 people entered and they chose 50 artists from that group.  There was so much awesome work, that I didn’t know how I’d do, but I made it through!  Whoop whoop!  Here is the piece I submitted:


We were given a brief to follow.  All I can tell you about that is the theme was Little Terrariums.  Now I have another brief for a new project in my email this morning, so I best get cracking on some ideas!  In the next round, 50 go in, and 6 (gulp) come out!


  1. Nancy,
    Zis sketch is super-cute – looks like a thinking cap. Mine would have well-designed spaces, good furniture, DIY projects, bright colours, artwork and a teeny-tiny corner w/ a roaring bonfire to burn bad design.💀 Mwahahahaaa……

    Sending you pretty balloons to play with as you soar! 😀 Best wishes, Radhika 👍


  2. Congrats, Nance! Of course, I knew you would make it thru! This is so creative and colorful!! Love the fox and owl. Good luck on the next round….


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